What To Bring

What to bring to preschool each day (all labelled)

School bag

Choose one that your child will be able to learn to manage independently. A soft bag that can easily hold all belongings and be manipulated into the lockers is preferable (no suitcase bags).


A nutritious morning tea and lunch packed into separate containers. (see Food Policy)

Drink bottle

Preferably one which has a cover over the spout to prevent cross contamination. When your child empties their drink bottle staff will re-fill their bottle with tap water. Please ensure your child can recognise and manage their own drink bottle. Drink bottles are available to children all day, they are also reminded to drink many times throughout the day. At pick-up time staff will take drink trolley to the gate for bottle collection.

spare clothes

Please send a full set of spare clothes in case of toileting, water or painting accidents.


even if it is hot as the weather can change very quickly.


children will need a sun hat in the summer and warm hat for the winter (no toggles or cords please).

Cot sheets

If your child will need to rest on a bed, a set of cot sheets. If your child has a special toy or blanket that they sleep with (these comforters will only be allowed at rest time). The Centre will supply warm blankets if needed and these are washed after each use.